Contact Us

To write, call, or fax us:
PiccPros LLC
7146 S Braden, Suite 104
Tulsa, OK 74136

Phone: (918) 982-4485
Office Line: (918) 488-9181
Fax: (855) 596-0587
Office hours: 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday
Email-us: info@piccprosllc.com

PiccPros Saves Hospitals Money

Save $5,240 on training per employee

By using PiccPros you save the cost of training an in-house PICC team estimated at $5,240 per employee when you include the lecture fee, the labor cost of the attending employee, the labor cost of observing placements, the labor cost of the employee making successful placements, the cost of wasted supplies, the cost of average three transfers to Interventional Radiology.

Save $1,060 per unsuccessful placement

The in-house cost of an unsuccessful placement can get up to $1,260 apiece, based on the cost of material, labor and radiology referral. With PiccPros, your only cost is material expense; there's no service charge for unsuccessful placements.

Save $90 on nursing time per PICC

The placement of a PICC takes 2 to 3 hours of a nurse's time. You not only incur the labor cost, you also take an RN away from patient care.

Save $111.11 on supplies per PICC placement

The average cost of material per successful PICC placement varies with the nurse's success rate. The lower the success rate the more material used and therefore the higher the cost per successful placement. Because placing PICCs is all we do day in and day out, our success rate is higher than an RN who only does it sporadically.

Save $625 on IR costs per PICC

If your staff cannot successfully place a PICC line on difficult patients, call PiccPros before calling IR and save

Save $100's through shorter hospital stays

Sometimes patients have to wait 1 to 2 days (especially on weekends) for IR to place a PICC. PiccPros, on the other hand, is available seven days a week, 8am to 8pm.