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To write, call, or fax us:
PiccPros LLC
7146 S Braden, Suite 104
Tulsa, OK 74136

Phone: (918) 982-4485
Office Line: (918) 488-9181
Fax: (855) 596-0587
Office hours: 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday
Email-us: info@piccprosllc.com


What is a PICC line?

An acronym for peripherally inserted central catheter, PICC is a thin, flexible line or tube that is inserted through a vein in the arm to reach the superior vena cava.

What are PICC lines for?

PICC lines are recommended for delivery of a range of infusates from antibiotics to nutritional fluids, for conditions requiring repeated and frequent blood sampling, and for patients with limited venous access.

What are some of the advantages of PICC lines?

Cost effectiveness. PICC lines are much cheaper to insert and maintain than other types of central lines. In addition, they have no fixed maximum length of time that they may remain indwelling.

More freedom for the patient. A patient can resume a normal lifestyle faster with a PICC line. A patient can go home with the PICC in, saving him or her from extended hospitalization.