Contact Us

To write, call, or fax us:
PiccPros LLC
7146 S Braden, Suite 104
Tulsa, OK 74136

Phone: (918) 982-4485
Office Line: (918) 488-9181
Fax: (855) 596-0587
Office hours: 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday
Email-us: info@piccprosllc.com

PICC Lines Benefit Patients

PICCs Can Mean Lower Cost, Better Care.

PICCs enhance patient satisfaction by decreasing venipunctures --frequent, painful needle sticks-- and allowing more freedom for a more normal lifestyle. The patient enjoys increased arm mobility because PICC lines are very pliable and allow more freedom of arm movement than traditional peripheral access devices.

PICCs save the patient money by often making early hospital discharge possible. And because of the length of the line, there's a low risk of accidental dislodging of the catheter, reducing the frequency of home care or hospital visits.

PICCs prevent the risk of peripheral venous scarring, infection, and the pain associated with repeated venipunctures. PICC lines have the lowest rates of infection of all central lines.