Contact Us

To write, call, or fax us:
PiccPros LLC
7146 S Braden, Suite 104
Tulsa, OK 74136

Phone: (918) 982-4485
Office Line: (918) 488-9181
Fax: (855) 596-0587
Office hours: 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday
Email-us: info@piccprosllc.com

PiccPros LLC

PiccPros LLC is an Oklahoma-registered company founded over 12 years ago by nursing professionals, specializing in the placement of PICC lines and Midlines in IV therapy.

Our clients vary from small to large facilities in urban as well as in outlying areas. That's because PiccPros PICC services benefit small and large facilities alike.

With PiccPros' on-call PICC service, small and out-of-area hospitals and nursing homes can take advantage of new vascular access technology that used to be the exclusive preserve of well-staffed, best-equipped urban hospitals

Large hospitals can rely on PiccPros as a back-up service when they're short on help or when they need to take advantage of our high success rate before turning the patient over to Interventional Radiology.

To enhance patient satisfaction and to cut costs, hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics can count on PiccPros PICC Service.